Ski Season Winter Trends
Posted in: Ski & Snow
EA Ski and Snowboard share with us a some great news for seasonaires. Surely the perfect time to take a ski instructor course and work a season in the mountains!
Working so closely with UK activity centres, ski tour operators, We frequently hear about interesting subjects or exciting new developments within the outdoor industry that we want to share with you. In the following articles, we share our thoughts and speak to a wide range of industry professionals about how to get ahead in the world of outdoor adventure education.
Posted in: Ski & Snow
EA Ski and Snowboard share with us a some great news for seasonaires. Surely the perfect time to take a ski instructor course and work a season in the mountains!
Posted in: Adventure
The Girl Guides recruit a mixture of experienced and non-experienced staff and have a full training programme so a lack of skills is not a problem for someone who is trying to get into the outdoor industry.
Posted in: Adventure
We had a nice chat with Leah Barnes at Longridge about their plans for the coming year, and about what makes Longridge a popular outdoor activity centre.
Posted in: Adventure
Jo Buss at Sail Laser tells us about training as a sailing instructor on the beautiful Lake Garda in Italy. Their RYA courses offer worldwide work opportunities in a location that all but guarantees perfect conditions for your course tuition. Find out more about this excellent courses.
Posted in: Gap Year
Working abroad is also a great way to meet new people and mingle with fellow travellers as well as with the locals. Gaining work experience abroad looks great on your CV and shows prospective employers or universities that you are adaptable and have the confidence to travel and work in another country.
Posted in: Gap Year
During my Asian Adventure I was able to discover Thailand, Laos and Cambodia through experiencing exciting excursions, visiting historical heritage sites, and exploring the entertaining nightlife! Booking with a specialist tour opertator provides the perfect combination of an excellent itinerary, free time, and of course the chance to travel with great people!
Posted in: Gap Year
If you are inspired to make a difference while you travel then consider journeying to the sunny island of Jamaica to rebuild homes for those affected by hurricanes.
Posted in: Adventure
This month, Sam Waites at Mount Batten tells us all about Intensive Instructor Training Courses. If you have not come across these before, they are an excellent way to fast track a career in outdoor adventure. The Mount Batten Course takes place along the stunning South Devon coastline and equips you to teach Dinghy Sailing, Powerboating, Canoeing, Kayaking on white water rivers and sea, Stand up Paddleboarding, Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking and more!
Intensive Instructor Courses >>
Posted in: Gap Year
Jemma Dicks tells us that Projects Abroad launched their Shark Conservation project in Fiji at the beginning of the year and they are pleased to say it has been a huge success. She also talks about her favourite conservation projects.
Posted in: Gap Year
The first thing you need to do once you have decided that you want to spend your summer at an American Summer Camp, supervising children on fun-filled activities, is to chose the agency that will help you find that dream job.
My American Summer Camp Adventure >>
Posted in: Gap Year
Jon Arnold is Operations Manager at Oyster Worldwide, the Gap Year and Responsible Travel Specialists who offer both paid and volunteer gap year adventures. We caught up with Jon, and asked him a few questions about how to get the most out of a paid work project.
Gap Interview: Paid Working Holidays >>
Posted in: Gap Year
A first hand account of a gap year adventure with Real Gap Experience. Discover the thoughts and experiences of a first time traveller as they live with a Nepali family and teach children in a local school.
Posted in: Ski & Snow
Deb Flight from Chalet Cateriane in the Portes du Soleil ski area talks to us about ski season recruitment for chalet couples. Find out more about the job role as well as the type of people they are looking to hire for the fast approaching season.
Posted in: Ski & Snow
This month, we take a closer look at Austria, to find out why is it such a great destination for winter adventure jobs, the types of resorts you can work in, plus the types of jobs available this coming season.
Posted in: Adventure
Jane Parry at Plas Menai tells us all about their 16 week trainee watersport instructor course. One student said, "It was amazing getting job offers from all over the world. It really put me ahead of other applicants having these qualifications"
Watersport Instructor Course >>
Posted in: Ski & Snow
Verity Clay from Supertravel shares interview tips and her best advice for securing a ski chef job. She tells us what the job is like, and makes us hungry for Austrian mountain cuisine by describing her favourite meal on the slopes.
Posted in: Gap Year
Vicky Lessen from Gap360 shares her knowledge and expertise to give us some great gap year travel advice, including five items you should not leave home without!
Posted in: Ski & Snow
Working as a chef in a ski resort can be quite a different experience to what you may be used to in a traditional kitchen. To find out more about this job role, and get some tips on how to make your application stand out for the crowd, take a look at the following article.
Posted in: Ski & Snow
If you like the idea of working in a ski resort, but you don't want to leave your significant other behind, taking a job as a chalet couple could be the perfect solution for both of you. Take an in-depth look at how the job works and the type of people it would suit.
Posted in: Ski & Snow
Being our most popular job, we decided it was high time to take a closer look at the role of the chalet host. What is life like as a one person hero, single handedly making other people's skiing holidays brilliant?
Posted in: Gap Year
Teaching English overseas is a great way to spend a gap year. Even if you are fresh out of college and have no experience, your ability to speak English is a great asset that you can use to work your way around the world. Gordon Mathie from LoveTEFL tells us how.
Posted in: Ski & Snow
We take a closer look at France, assess what makes it so popular as a destination for winter adventure jobs, the types of resorts you can work in, plus the types of jobs available this coming season.
Posted in: Adventure
Continuing our celebration of National Watersports Month, we spoke to a few industry experts to get a feel for what is taking place thoughout May, and how you can turn a passion for watersports into a career as an instructor.
Posted in: Adventure
To celebrate May as National Watersports Month, JAC spoke to UKSA's Director of Operations, Ben Willows, about how the company is offering taster sessions and helping to promote interest in the variety of water based activities you can get involved in.
Watersports Month Interview >>
Posted in: Ski & Snow
Join us on a review of a typical year and find out how we recruit people to work a ski season. We talk about the early birds, the mid season masses and the late arrivals. A real insight into how to get hired to work a season on the snow.
Posted in: Adventure
Find out how to get started in watersports instructing with our tips and advice on building a career teaching dinghy sailing, yachting, personal watercraft, windsurfing and surfing. Information about training, gaining teaching experience and job variety.
Posted in: Adventure
Being able to confidently navigate from point A to point B is a fundamental skill for any outdoor adventure enthusiast. The long running NNAS award scheme is a great skills based course, designed to add to your enjoyment of the outdoors by teaching you great map reading skills and route planning.
Posted in: Adventure
Like any occupation, working in the outdoor industry you notice trends over time. The current trend that we are seeing, is the rapid rise in popularity of bushcraft, campcraft and survival skills courses. We discuss why it is a great time to get involved and put your knowledge and training to use as a bushcraft activity instructor.
Posted in: Adventure
Oh Hi JAC! We need someone with BCU UKCC Level 2 for the summer with the chance to be permanent from Spring next year. Can you help please? No problem, let me just give you access to our Candidate Shortlist then you just pop in your requirements to get a list of relevant people.
Join the Candidate Shortlist >>
Posted in: Ski & Snow
The difficult way to get a ski resort job is to fill in hundreds of job applications hoping that your lack of experience will somehow be overlooked. It won't. Give yourself a realistic change of a seasonaire job with our guide to ski resort taining courses.
Ski resort training courses >>
Posted in: Adventure
If you wish to lead groups of people on walking expeditions in lowland or moorland areas then you'd be advised to gain a recognised qualification. We look at the market leading course from Mountain Training, plus a few others that may be suitable.
Posted in: Adventure
These new qualifications from UK Canyon Guides look challenging but will give you the ropework, climbing and water safety skills required to take groups on guided gorge walks and ghyll scrambles. This activity is growing fast so getting the qualification now could see your career take off.
Canyoning guide qualification >>
Posted in: Adventure
The new climbing coach award from Mountain Leader Training UK is proving popular with new and experienced climbers. If climbing is your sport, find out what the award means for you and why you should consider getting involved.
Posted in: Ski & Snow
Plenty of people each year combine their catering or hospitality skills with a desire to spend their winter working in a ski resort. But assuming you aren't already a ski bum, what should you look out for to make sure you enjoy your season and avoid the types of disasters that could bring your season to a premature end?
Posted in: Adventure
The activity known as coasteering falls under the AALA classification of one of a group of activities that takes place on rock and water. This relatively new sport has been gaining popularity and now attracts enough people to allow people to train as coasteering guides. We find out more.
Posted in: Adventure
White water rafting is a hugely enjoyable and popular activity. As a raft guide, you need to know how to maintain the boat, read the river, and make sure your clients are safe. In this article, we look at how to get qualified, and what job opportunities exist.
Posted in: Adventure
If you want to start teaching outdoor adventure activities, you need to get qualified, usually by taking National Governing Body instructor training courses. This is our ongoing guide to training courses organised by sport or adventure activity.
Adventure Courses & Qualifications >>
Posted in: Adventure
If you want to be a canoe guru you collect BCU awards. Aspiring Mountain Guides should follow the BMC's Mountain Training courses. But what if you are just getting started and want a more generic qualification before you start to specialise?
Posted in: Gap Year
If you would like to know more about the coolest gap year destinations to head for, JAC shares his tips and knowledge in the following article.
Posted in: Gap Year
Other people's experiences can provide useful ideas and insights, especially if you don't have a clear idea of where you would like to travel to. JAC share's some of his favourite gap year locations.
Posted in: Ski
This little guide will help explain exactly what people mean when they talk about the ski industry and look at the roles and people who spend the winter months working in a ski resort.
Posted in: Adventure
As with all jobs, getting the right balance in all aspects of your work life will result in a rewarding and enjoyable career. We take a look at what you need to achieve the ultiamte adventure job.
Posted in: Adventure
In any career it pays to know how much you could potentially earn, and the outdoor adventure industry is no different. Find out how to get the best return when investing your time in becoming an outdoor instructor.
Posted in: Ski & Snow
Perhaps you are about to finish university and fancy spending winter in the mountains. If you can ski or snowboard you could pay your way by teaching other people how to slide down the slopes. This guide takes a look at the ins and outs of getting qualified as a snowsports instructor.
Posted in: Ski & Snow
Seasonaires are the people who get to live in resort while snow is on the ground, leaving us mortals dreaming of our next visit to the fluffy stuff. Check out our guide to living the dream, including comparisons of which type of work gives you the most cash in your pocket and time on the slopes.
Posted in: Gap Year
Gone are the days of signing up to a single volunteer project for a set amount of time, travellers now want to spend a month here and a month there, perhaps working on several projects in several different countries to really make the most of their gap year. We take a look at the wide range of opportunities currently available.
Posted in: Adventure
Qualifications count towards a successful career in outdoor adventure, but with so many on offer, how do you decide which courses to spend your time and money achieving? Let's take a look at how national governing bodies look after the coaches and instructors for each sport.
Posted in: Adventure
Instructor roles receive a lot of applicants yet getting through to the interview or selection stage can be easier than the odds would first suggest because plenty of people make quite simple but costly mistakes when submitting their applications. Find out how to avoid these errors and how to get your application taken seriously.
Posted in: Ski & Snow
If you are planning to apply to work in a ski chalet this winter, make sure you pick the type of work that plays to your strengths. In this article we explain the different roles available including important information like how much time off each one will give you!
Posted in: Gap Year
To keep the market buoyant during the economic instability, new corners of the planet are becoming increasingly popular in the online brochures of working holiday companies, with a myriad new and exciting destinations springing up to tempt the would be gap traveller. In the modern age, where do people go on a gap year?
Working holiday destinations >>
Posted in: Gap Year
These days we are all familiar with the concept of putting our life on hold, heading off and seeing the world before we put down roots. But where did it all start? Who were the original 'gappers'? When did it become fashionable for young people to see the world between different forms of education or between leaving the classroom and starting the world of work?