Share your CV with JAC

He is very well connected!

We hope you had a look around the site and found some great jobs to apply for. We post new roles most days, so it is worth following us on social media, or popping back here to the website to check for all the new stuff.

Another great way to increase your chances of finding that elusive adventure job is to take advantage of JACs industry contacts. The next time we get a call asking if we know anyone who can teach BCU standard canoeing, who can help run an Alpine chalet for the winter, or any of the myriad outdoor vacancies we recruit for each season, if JAC has your CV to hand, we could be putting it in front of your future employer.

Outdoor Application Form

Your qualifications/experience


Your Name

Your Email

Key Skills and Qualifications

Attach Your CV

iPhone/iPad User? - if you are unable to attach your CV, you can either email it to or paste a Dropbox/Google Drive/etc link to your CV into this box:

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We are on facebook

Click the button below to like us on facebook. We won't tell you what we are eating for tea. We will keep you informed about new vacancies the minute they are posted.

We are also on Twitter

We never say anything controversial, just keep you informed about everything outdoor adventure. Mention us to your followers @OutdoorJAC and we'll send you some hugs.

And Google Plus+

Are you using google plus yet? If you are we'd love it it you could give us a quick plus one. Thanks!

RSS Feed

Every time we post a new blog article or add a new employer to the site, we update our RSS feed. Our feed URL is: or click on the button below.

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