Paid Working Holiday Ideas
Earn some money while you travel the world
Once the idea takes hold, choosing to take a year out or gap year, usually before or after university, has long been an easy decision for many young people. Once you buy a house, or get married and have children, it become more difficult to just take off and explore. But the rising cost of, well, everything, not least tuition fees, has put unprecedented demand upon the type of working holiday that pays you for your time.
Obviously, restricting yourself to this type of 'gap' will limit the courses available to you, but we offer plenty of ideas for you to explore, and if the trip has to pay for itself, you may have no other choice. The main advantage is that money will be hitting your bank on a regular basis, and the main disadvantage - the trip will seem less of a holiday, more real work.
Volunteer Projects
Inspirational gap years helping people and places less fortunate
The idea of Volunteering has inspired countless people to involve themselves with projects traditionally thought of as 'someone else's problem'. And volunteering has long been the most popular way to get out and see more of the world. There are millions of people on every continent who either need direct help with food, shelter and medicine, or who require assistance with community projects that will enrich the lives of local populations. There is also the chance to help with ecological projects; protecting wildlife from poachers, or marine life from pollution. Working with local people allows you to see different cultures first hand, and will give you a better understanding of the wider world.
These volunteer projects are offered by companies who are experts in their field. Many of them have been established for decades, and either have local guides and helpers who will assist you during your experience, or else they are actually live and work in the place you will visit.