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We would love it if you could help us tell more people about OutdoorJAC's adventure industry jobs and training courses. Below you will find a selection of resources to help you spread the word and share with your friends.

Share the facts

The following crib sheet will make sure you aren't caught out when your friends ask you about this new site that you cannot stop talking about.

What is OutdoorJAC? - A website about finding employment in outdoor adventure, offering outdoor apprenticeships or gap year projects for people who are straight out of school or college, training courses and entry level jobs for people looking to start a new career in outdoor work, working holidays for those seeking a career break, and senior and management level roles for outdoor instructors with experience under their belt.

Give me some numbers - We have been putting candidates in touch with recruiters for more than 10 years and during that time have worked with more than 1,093 companies. We have helped fill more than 2,585 vacancies, which between them have received over 6,874,502 views and 677,137 referrals and applications

What makes this site so useful? - Our industry experience and contacts mean we can publish and offer great advice about how to find the perfect outdoor jobs and courses. We aren't a recruitment agency, but we always go the extra mile to give the best advice to both employers and would be employees.


Everyone likes a picture. Here are some images taken from our site that you can use on social media, or your website. You may right click or long click and save the images to your computer or device.

Our logo:

Screen grab of our Adventure page:


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