We are a group of premium brand schools based across the Middle East. Our schools include Cheltenham School Muscat, Kings College Doha and Downe House Muscat.

What makes your company different from similar gap year providers?
With an already established Gap Student program that is a cut above the rest, we really do offer a unique experience. We offer above average wages and fantastic accommodation. Our Gappies are fantastic; they support us in every part of the schools, including academic areas, finance, HR and marketing. Each school also has a sports academy. Gap Students are welcome to join clubs including football, karate, climbing, yoga, scuba diving etc.
In return we look after our Gappies extremely well. Our cohorts have been trained up as scuba divers, boat captains, were given tickets to the FIFA World Cup in Qatar and have been on funded trips to Nepal and Jordan. We are extremely selective and expect a high level of applicant however we certainly reward well also. Shortlisted applicants will be added to a chat group with our current Gap Students so they can really explore the experiences and conditions from the Gap Students themselves.

How many people do you take on your gap years each year?
We have positions for 20 Gap Students across the portfolio.

Why are you a good company to travel or work with?
We offer generous salaries and amazing opportunities for adventure as well as exposing Gap Students to the critical business functions within our skills to help build their experience and portfolios.