EA Ski and Snowboard Training is the world's largest provider of ski and snowboard instructor training programs and internships. We help young skiers and snowboarders carve their own path by providing them world-class training, internationally recognised certifications, and guaranteed job offers at their ski resort of choice.

What makes your company different from the competition?
EA Ski and Snowboard Training offers the most ski and snowboard instructor training courses at world-class resorts across Canada, USA, New Zealand, Japan, and Switzerland; your time with EA Ski and Snowboard Training will be memorable and rewarding.
Our team of experienced consultants help students choose the best resort and program to suit an individual's motivations, experience level and personal goals. Our consultants are here to help with everything from visa advice to on-the-job support.
EA Ski and Snowboard Training students are guaranteed a paid job offer at their resort of choice.
EA Ski and Snowboard Training's programs are the gateway into the competitive snowsports industry. Build a career and travel the world doing what you love.

How many people do you employ or train each year?
Each year we take on over 350 students looking to upskill, gain their Level 1 and/or Level 2 instructor qualification and get paid to do what they love. We also can now offer Level 2 and 3 certifications on our instructor training programs. Get in touch to find out more.

Why are you a good company to work for or train with?
Not only do we guarantee paid job offers at the world's top ski resorts, EA Ski and Snowboard Training students receive world-class training and internationally recognised qualifications.
It's not all work and no play - on an EA Ski and Snowboard Training program, you'll make friends for life. Live, work and train with a mixture of people from all over the world.